Ban Studded Tires Oregon! No. 2 April 2014

Studded tires suck the life out of our roads. Each year we spend countless dollars to repair roads from damage caused by studded tires. Then “they“ spend more money to make a report about how much money is spent to repair the roads from “stud damage“, They must never count the money when a road is redone 100% over, which is where stud damage leads us to eventually with each road. In other words, the money we spend to repair and redo roads from stud damage is way more than “they“ would have you think. Who are “they“ ? I believe it is the tire industry lobbyist. There is huge money in the change over and sales of studded tires. So what we need to do, is ask ourselves who profits from the roads being prematurely destroyed? Now we see that all the paving and road construction companies have much to gain, but who pays for this super expensive work? The answer is all of us through higher taxes. The answer today is to use new technology “studdless“ tires. The new “studdless“ tires are very good on snow an
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