Cécile Chaminade - Selected Piano Works (Score Video Compilation {5k bonus})

This is almost all Chaminade which I have played in the last 2 years or so, starting with a new performance, the Humoresque. It’s been a long journey discovering her wonderful music, and I am glad to see that my work and uploads enabled many other people to realized her music as well; the Arabesque No.1 is my most watched video on the channel. Many of my performances are the first ever. I will still play the one or other piece from her output, but I am near the end in that sense. Of course, replaying the pieces on a real and nice grand is always the final thought. Here are the timestamps. As you can imagine, doing all these videos was a lot work. If you appreciate that work and passion, a donation always makes me happy :) And here the stamps: 0:00 Humoresque, 3:40 Andante et Scherzettino, 8:22 Arabesque No.1, 12:47 Arabesque No.2, 16:50 Arlequine, 19:43 Aubade, 21:56 La Barque D’Amour, 27
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