Discover the new Bitdefender Scamio (free, easy-to-use Ai chatbot for detecting and preventing scams):
⛱️⛱️Need a safe and easy way to practice your ethical hacking activities? Try out the NetworkChuck Kali Sandbox. This is an isolated learning environment accessible directly from your web browser:
🧻🧻Download the command cheat sheet here:
Here are the top 60 hacking commands you need to know, complete with a free Kali Linux sandbox link for practice. Learn to scan networks with Nmap, expedite recon with Masscan, and adeptly manipulate packets. Suitable for any skill level, and comes with a downloadable cheat sheet.
John Hammond: @_JohnHammond
Nahamsec: @NahamSec
TomNomNom: @TomNomNomDotCom
2 months ago 00:13:40 1
Why Didn’t I Know This Sooner! This 60-Year-Old Plumber’s Brilliant Idea Will Save You Millions
2 months ago 00:18:21 1
Amazing inventions of 60 year old plumber! Endless free water energy idea from PVC pipes and cement