【ツイステ】Love Logic 踊ってみた【オクタヴィネル】 1080 x 1920 sm38063240

Please refrain from slander, malicious comments, etc. that are offensive to the viewer. We may take measures such as deletion. Reproduction of videos is prohibited. It may differ from the original image. Please note. It will be taken after the request is canceled. This is a picture taken while taking preventive measures such as disinfection and air replacement. Happy new year! We look forward to your continued support in 2021 (deeply). The first video of the new year will be a collaboration video! I only remember having fun shooting. .. Editing is too divine, so please take a look again and again! !! ■踊り手■ アズール・アーシェングロット 三(みつ) ◇mylist/69555346 ◇ ◇ ジェイド・リーチ 八屋そら ◇ ◇ フロイド・リーチ 常陸(ヒタチ) ◇mylist/58476419 ◇ ◇ ◇
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