Taken from the up-coming new EP, Dangerovz Magick Zpells from the Mesziah of Death, due to be released this June 21st via Signal Rex & BlvckKvffee Rex, on mCD & Cassette tape formats.
By now, IRAE should require little introduction. Since the dawn of this cursed millennium, mainman Vulturius has prolifically pursued a singular vision of RAW BLACK METAL that includes five full-lengths and countless split releases with likeminded comrades. As such, IRAE have almost singlehandedly invigorated Portugal’s black metal scene, particularly the r
...awer iteration of it, and with the release of Lurking in the Depths last summer, the Korona Winter Rehearsal of Darkness & Evil tape at the bitter end of 2020, and a split LP with comrades ORDEM SATÂNICA and WØMB most recently - all through SIGNAL REX, of course - there’s no sign of that black flame beinShow more