Resisting the Pathology of Whiteness, at the Northwest Dharma Association Paññobhāsa Mahathera

Hey guys! Check your white guilt here! lol! How Buddhism Resists the Pathology of Whiteness, at the Northwest Dharma Association George Draffan, Executive Director Tim Tapping, Board President read the whole page.... Are you a white person wanting to unpack the harmful ways white supremacy is embedded in your body, mind and heart? Are you looking for an embodied approach to racial and social justice? Are you craving a spiritual community where oppression and privilege can be addressed with compassion and honesty? In this class we will: • have a discussion around the pathology of whiteness and how contemplative practices can be supportive tools to navigate looking at our conditioning with fierce compassion Dharma-based race equity opportunities in Seattle, Washington, USA Hello Seattleites, Below are some opportunities for learning & community-building in Seattle in the next couple of months that might be of interest to you. These events are either focused on addressing race equity & dismantling white supremacy, or/and building resilience among BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) folks, or/and led by BIPOC Dharma teachers whose wise perspective is a blessing to all of us….or all of the above. May we all grow in many aspects of wisdom and love in this critical time. Gathering Roots Retreat & Wellness Center is a POC led and centered organization focused on creating retreat space for community organizations. We seek to offer space for teaching the Dharma, artistic expression, wellness, and community justice. We value cultural connection to each other and the land. We believe that all those in the POC community deserve a space where they can BE all of their intersectional selves while in respite. Further, by providing cultural explorations of the land, traditional healing gatherings, and social justice coalition building, our collective will lift the oppression of generational trauma through liberation and joy! Gathering Roots seeks to be a home for transformative work. “I am in full support for bodies of colour having safe space to be and become. Space where white body supremacy isn’t the standard and were exploration is encouraged and emerging is mandatory.“ -Resmaa Menakem Cultural Somanics and Training Institute Transcending brings together more than thirty contributors from both the Mahayana and Theravada traditions to present a vision for a truly inclusive trans Buddhist sangha in the twenty-first century. Shining a light on a new generation of Buddhist role models, this book gives voice to those who have long been marginalized within the Buddhist world and society at large. While trans, genderqueer, and nonbinary practitioners have experienced empowerment and healing through their commitment to the Buddha, dharma, and sangha, they also share their experiences of isolation, transphobia, and aggression. In this diverse collection we hear the firsthand accounts, thoughts, and reflections of trans Buddhists from a variety of different lineages in an open invitation for all Buddhists to bring the issue of gender identity into the sangha, into the discourse, and onto the cushion. Only by doing so can we develop insight into our circumstances and grasp our true, essential nature. See the playlist of videos at Buddhist Monk Truthers 1 & 2: Paññobhāsa was a monk for 30 years and is now a layman in South Carolina. See the playlist of videos at Buddhist Monk Truthers Paññobhāsa’s URL Links: current blog (mostly philosophy and caustic critiques of Marxism): primordial website: Minds page: Bitchute channel: SubscribeStar support page: Discord server (mainly for traditionalist Buddhist discussions and networking): YouTube channel: Twitter (brand new): Paypal: NEW BOOK, “Essays in Theravada Buddhism”: ALSO, 2nd BOOK, “Philosophical Dharma”: 3rd BOOK, “Buddhist Ethics, Buddhist Practice”: All video playlists: or click on “The Brian Ruhe Show“ and scroll down. Donate:
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