The Pros and Cons of Grey ETs Brian Ruhe with Stone Hobbit

Stone Hobbit’s website is . Stone Hobbit interviews Brian Ruhe about his experiences and beliefs regarding extraterrestrial beings, particularly the Greys. Ruhe believes the Greys are intellectually and spiritually superior, with a society a billion years ahead of humans. He discusses their advanced genetic manipulation and hybridization programs and Stone talks about the potential for soul replacement in cloned bodies. Ruhe also touches on the concept of fallen angels, reincarnation, and the emotional capabilities of Grays. He acknowledges the Greys’ role in human evolution but questions their lack of empathy and poor bedside manner. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the transgender phenomenon and its potential ET connection. Thank you to April for making the thumbnail image. Outline Greys’ Wisdom and Spiritual Deference • Brian believes the grays are wiser due to their advanced society and larger brains, supported by research from the Consciousness & Contact Research Institute. He compares deferring to wiser beings like senior Buddhist monks to deferring to the grays and mantids. He mentions the Greys and mantids as wise figures, similar to gurus, and emphasizes their spiritual and intellectual capacity. • Stone Hobbit inquires if Brian would bow to a Grey or mantis, to which Brian responds negatively, stating the Greys are against worship. Reactions to Angelic or Deity Appearances • Stone shares an experience of seeing an illusion of Jesus and angels, which turned out to be a Grey. • Brian acknowledges the possibility of being freaked out but would react respectfully, similar to how Buddhists greet deities. • Brian is aware of screen memories and the potential for deception in such experiences. • Stone introduces the concept of the “reincarnation trap“ and asks about the fate of souls after death. Buddhist Views on Rebirth and Karma • Brian explains the Buddhist view of rebirth based on karma, where good people are reborn in better circumstances and harmful people in lower realms. He emphasizes the fairness of the law of karma and the idea that people can improve or worsen their future lives based on their actions. • Stone transitions to discussing the Greys, mentioning various forms of abductions, tortures, and mind control programs. She questions whether all grays are good or bad, sharing personal experiences of being subjected to various forms of psychological and physical torment. Greys’ Actions and Emotions • Stone criticizes the grays for not stopping the bad actions of their counterparts and for only showing hybrid children and technologies. She discusses the potential manipulation through 3D visors and subliminal messages. • Brian defends the Greys’ actions, suggesting they might be part of a global plan for human hybridization. He acknowledges the Greys’ poor bedside manner but believes their intentions are generally good. Wholesome Emotions of Grays • Stone asks if Greys have emotions like humans, to which Brian responds affirmatively, mentioning love, compassion, and humor. He contrasts the grays’ wholesome emotions with humans’ mixture of good and bad emotions. • Stone inquires about fallen angels, leading Brian to discuss the jealous gods and asuras in Buddhist cosmology. Brian explains the concept of the jealous gods and their struggle to regain entry into heaven, possibly related to reptilians. Human Abilities and Hybrid Genetics • Stone asks about the origin of human abilities, suggesting they might be due to hybrid genetics and communication with other beings. She describes various abilities like telepathy and moving at lightning speed, attributing them to hybrid genetics. • Brian believes most of our DNA is not activated and that humans have tremendous potential waiting to be unlocked. He emphasizes the Greys’ focus on genetics and altering DNA as part of their agenda. Conclusion and Future Plans • Brian mentions having more questions and topics for future discussions, suggesting a panel board. • Stone appreciates Brian’s talk and acknowledges the potential for more conversations in the future. • Stone thanks the host and the audience, emphasizing the importance of staying well and doing the best one can. • The conversation ends with mutual appreciation and a mention of Happy Cat’s positive reaction to the talk.
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