Available to purchase on Bandcamp:
All art for this album was made by jojo, who can be found at:
- @washbearzz
“Aftercircus“ was written entirely by mars of beddybyekitty:
They say cats always land on their feet, so let’s see if that holds true! Scratch, run, sneak around, and most of all, PANIC! Taken straight fro
m the golden age of the Nintendo DS and the SNES, Pawprint Panic includes sounds and sights from old video games with a modern coat of paint.
Wow... It’s been a while since I’ve released an album, and that’s because I’ve been working on this! Actually, these songs have been pretty much finished since late 2022, but I stalled on the release until just recently.
As mentioned, this album is also available to listen and purchase on Bandcamp! Money from all purchas