Fate of Hurin - Curse of the Dwarf - Middle Earth # DOCUMENTARY
Wizards and Warriors animated fantasy documentary lore video series on the world of Middle-Earth - Lord of the Rings continues with the second video on the First Age. Previously we discussed the creation of the world of Tolkien, its powers and races and we see how and why the Elves became the enemies of the Dark Lord Melkor, who they called Morgoth, after their leader Fëanor cursed him for killing his father Finwë and stealing his prized possession - Silmarils. In this episode we see how the evil first rose in the world of Arda and will talk about Ungoliant and other evils, about the Valar and Maiar, about the Elves and their sub-groups - Vanyar, Ñoldor, Teleri, and Avari (), while this video will show the continuation of the events. In Middle-Earth, Morgoth attacks the Teleri Elves in Doriath under Thingol and his allies Cirdan and Denethor starting the War of the Jewels with the First Battle of the Beleriand. Meanwhile, in the Valinor, the Noldor Elves of Feanor attack their Teleri relatives in the First Kinslaying in order to take their ships. Afterwards, Feanor and his sons travel to the Middle-Earth in order to fight Morgoth and take the Silmarils, leading to the battles of Dagor-nuin-Giliath and Lammoth and the death of Feanor (). The third episode showed the aftermath of the death of Feanor, as the Noldor kingdoms rise in the Middle-Earth taking on Morgoth once again, this time at the battle of Dagor Aglareb, where Feanor’s sons Fingolfin and Maedhros, and others fought against the Dark Lord and we also talked about the rise of the humans - the House of Edain (). The fourth episode will describe the battle of Dagor Bragollach and the rise of the father of Dragons Glaurung (). In the aftermath of the defeat at the hands of Morgoth, the Elves and Men were on the back foot and the evil spread in Middle-Earth, but from those dark days, an unlikely pair rose to challenge the darkness - Beren and Lúthien (), and defeated Morgoth (). Their tragic love story inspired Maedhros to create his Union, which attacked the Dark Lord during the Nirnaeth Arnoediad - the battle of Unnumbered Tears (). As a result of the battle, many Men and Elf were made hostages, among them Húrin. In the first episode about Children of Húrin, we will talk about Morgoth’s curse and the Rise of Húrin’s son Túrin (), while the second episode covered the Fall of Nargothrond (). The third episode is going to set up the biggest tragedy in the world created by Tolkien, as Nienor has exited Dor-Lomin and her meeting with Turin is going to happen soon The third episode is going to set up the biggest tragedy in the world created by Tolkien, as Nienor has exited Dor-Lomin and her meeting with Turin is going to happen soon (). In the fourth and final episode in the mini-series on the Children of Hurin, the tragedy is complete - Turin and Nienor are dead, and so is Glaurung (). After their death, the Dark Lord finally released Hurin. His return would only worsen the situation for the free people’s and he would bring the curse of the Petty Dwarf Mim upon them.
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Writer: Frank Ó’hÁinle
Illustration and Animation: Arb Paninken
Map: Adam Ellis Charters
Narration: OfficiallyDevin ()
Editing: Kamran Maharramli
Producer: Nurlan Karimov
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
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