Remove white Background with Photoshop tools 2015

Photoshop image editing services here There are a ton of textures available on the internet, like spray paint drips that have a white background. Usually you will want to to remove the background and then bring it to your design. I created some actions that use alpha channels to remove the white background. These actions are very handy for all types of textures. There are 3 separate actions included in this set. How to Use After you have loaded the action set file, open up the image that has a white background you want to remove. Make sure the layer is named “Background“ and that it is selected. The color mode must be set to RGB. Change your Foreground color to the color you want the output to be Now choose one of the sets below and click on the play button. White BG Removal – Alpha: Great if you want to maintain the alpha look of the original file. I usually use this action set the most because you can easily duplicate th
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