mix dance anni 80 vol1

Sequenza mixata dei mitici brani dance anni 80’, con le copertine dei pezzi presenti e i relativi titoli. Mix by MauroDJX 1 jhon carpenter - the end 2 indeep - last night a dj saved my life 3 richenel - dance around the world 4 den harrow - bad boy 5 modern talking - brother louie 6 modern talking - geronimo’s cadillac 7 silver pozzoli - around my dream 8 eddy huntington - ussr 9 valerie dore - the night 10 hot cold - love is like a game 11 erasure - sometime 12 visions - everibody 13 weezer - island of the sun 14 m g - when i let you down 15 miko mission - how old are you 16 den harrow - tell me why
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