Quick summary of what’s going on:
Visually -
Every dot is rotating around the center of the circle at different velocities. The outermost dot does 1 revolution throughout the whole video, the next dot does 2 revolutions, then the next does 3, until the innermost dot which does 256 revolutions through the video.
Naturally, because the dots each travel around the center of the circle at different speeds, they will fall in and out of line so they look appealing just by themselves. The black lines just connect every circle in order from 1 to 256.
Audibly -
The sound you are hearing is an interval (2 tones) with the frequency of one tone changing 1 octave higher while the frequency of the other tone remains the same. Essentially, one tone remains at 220Hz the entire video while the other slowly increases from 220Hz to 440Hz throughout the cycle. What we hear is that some intervals sound very consonant while others sound very dissonant.
Exactly halfway through the cycle, the rising tone should be at 330Hz, denoting an interval of 330Hz/220Hz which is a perfect fifth (very low dissonance). Likewise, the image the dots form should reflect the amount of dissonance hear. The less dissonant the interval sounds, the more simple the patterns you see. The more dissonant the interval sounds, the more complex the patterns you see.
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