NEVER WORKED FOR ANIKET LONKAR AT ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. CANADIAN PASSPORT STOLEN IN GERMANY BY DOCTORS GF180618 SOLD AND TORTURED BY SNP SOLD INTO SLAVERY TO PAY FOR RANGERS INSOLVENCY AND BUY STEVEN GERARD. THEN IN GERMANY TORTURED BY GESTAPO, NAZI DRS AND PAKISTANIS ON GROUNDS IM NOT BRITISH NEVER LIVED IN BRITAIN NEVER GRADUATED LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY 2001 NEVER WORKED GE CAPITAL LEEDS NEVER WORKED HBOS LEEDS WITH TOBY IBBOTSON. ROGER PLATTEN. MATTY SYKES. SAM IBBOTSON. NATIONAL INSURANCE NUMBER JE971891D UK PASSPORT STOLEN IN GERMANY BY DOCTORS 528533234 BOTH PASSPORTS WERE PRESENTED TOI GESTAPO AND THEY SAID THEY CANT SEE ANY PASSPORTS Psychological torture methods Being subjected to long periods of interrogation Blackmailing Exploitation of phobias; e.g., mock execution, leaving arachnophobes in a room full of spiders Forced nudity Music torture Pharmacological torture Sensory deprivation Sensory overload Sleep deprivation Solitary confinement/Isolation Threat of permanent, severe disfigurement Tickle torture Waterboarding White room torture Acid attack POISON Bed pressing Blinding with light Boiling Burying alive Burning Bone breaking Branding Castration Cement shoes Cigarette burns Coffin torture/Gibbeting Cold cell torture[clarification needed] Crucifixion Crushing Cutting Disembowelment Dismemberment Dehydration Denailing Disfigurement Drowning Dry-boarding Dunking Emasculation Eye gouging Finger/Hand removal Force-feeding Forced circumcision Hamstringing Half hanging Hanging, drawing, and quartering Impalement Kneecapping Mutilation Noise (see Sound entry) Necklacing Oxygen deprivation Pins/needles underneath finger/toe nails Pressure points Punching Sensory overload Sexual assault Shooting Sleep deprivation Smacking/slapping Sound (extremely high volumes, dynamic range, low frequency, high pitched noise, intended to interfere with rest, cognition and concentration) Stabbing Starvation Stoning
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