Unforeseen Consequences

In the distant future of the 1950s, an ordinary scientist named Gordon Frohman accidentally discovers a portal to an alien world while conducting experiments with his microwave. The portal leads to the planet Xen, inhabited by giant floating baby heads and disgruntled alien scientists. In an attempt to impress his crush, the lab assistant Alyxina, Gordon decides to explore Xen. However, things take a turn for the worse when he inadvertently releases a horde of angry alien chickens upon Earth. To fix his mistake, Gordon teams up with a group of rebels led by a guy named Barney Calhoun. Together, they fight their way through hordes of chickens, giant alien bugs, and malfunctioning vending machines. Along the way, Gordon also discovers that his employer, the shady organization known as the Black Mesa Corporation, has been conducting unethical experiments on aliens and making questionable deals with intergalactic warlords. In the end, Gordon confronts the CEO of Black Mesa, a villainous scientist named Dr. Wallace Breen, who reveals his evil plan to take over the universe using mind-controlling alien technology. With the help of his trusty crowbar and some conveniently placed explosive barrels, Gordon defeats Breen and saves the day. The game ends with Gordon and Alyxina riding off into the sunset on a giant mutant chicken, ready to face whatever other bizarre adventures the universe throws their way. Thanks @MrBeast vid in vid:
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