’the House’ Returns (1950)

’The House’ Returns - ’From out of the ashes of war arises the House of Commons, retaining within it walls the traditions of the centuries.’ L/S of the Houses of Parliament. L/S elevated new House of Commons pan up. L/S through archway bombed House of Commons. M/S wreckage in house. L/S damaged lobby. M/S damaged lobby. C/U of calendar showing 10th May. L/S of Churchill door - the entrance to the new chamber. L/S of interior of new chamber from bar of new House. M/S Speaker’s Chair. Silver ink stands and despatch box in foreground. C/U Coat of arms and canopy over Speaker’s Chair. L/S of the Galleries. M/S concealed loudspeakers at back of benches. M/S elevated, table in front of Speaker’s Chair. showing silver ink stands and despatch case. C/Us of silver ink stands and despatch box. M/S of porter extending bar across chamber floor. L/S announcing the arrival of Mr Speaker Clifton Brown at Westminster Hall. Shots of procession of dignitaries walking into the chamber. L/S of Commonwealth speakers and
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