A Fishing Revolution (1931)

United States of America. “For years, ocean fishermen had to rush back to port or carry huge stores of ice to save their catch. A new process, using special refrigerating drums, now enables ships to cruise for weeks until they make a record catch.“ M/S of the funnel of a fishing boat, men stand around the funnel as steam emerges. High angle shots of men working to throw fishing nets over the side of the boat. Some integral sound as they heave the nets over. M/S of the winch at work. High angle shots of the nets being hauled in. The bottom of the net is opened and the fish fall out. We hear a man talking about the catch - he has an American accent. The fish are dropped into the hopper. The hopper then descends into the freezing bow. Overhead shot of the fish being washed prior to being frozen. One of the frozen fish is banged on a metal part of the ship to show how rock hard it is after being frozen. “As hard as a rock, it can be broken“ - the fish snaps in two! Can’t make out the last thing the
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