Western Union Defence Chiefs Deny Split Aka Disunity Rumours Threaten Western Union (1949)

Full title reads: “Paris - Western Union Defence Chiefs Deny Split“. Fontainebleau and Paris, France. MV American officers being greeted by French officer at the Arc de Triomphe. SV French guard of honour. LV Between two soldiers. American officers saluting. CU The eternal flame of the Arc de Triomphe. GV Admiral Denfield placing wreath on unknown Warrior’s tomb, stands and salutes. CU Wreath on tomb. VS of French police moving on Communist demonstrators in a side street. VS of high ranking officers shaking hands. LS of cars driving from Arc de Triomphe. Western Union Headquarters, Fontainebleau. MV Elevated West Union H.Q. at Fontainebleau. MV General Omar Bradley shakes hands with Field Marshal Viscount Bernard Montgomery and moves on to shake hands with General de Lattre de Tassigny. MV Bradley walking along with French officer followed by General Hoyt Vandenberg and naval officer. They inspect guard of honour. MV People looking on from outside gates. VS of officers talkin
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