The Crowds Move (1948)

Full title reads: “THE CROWDS MOVE“. ANTI-RUSSIAN DEMONSTRATIONS IN BERLIN Berlin, Germany. Long shot, crowds demonstrating around Brandenburger Tor, Berlin. Pan along excited crowds running away from Brandenburger Tor. Man on top of the Brandenburger Tor hauling down Russian flag. Excited crowds running from rifle fire. Long shot of excited crowds running in panic. Man hauling down Russian flag. Crowd applauding. Long shot of man hauling down Russian flag and tossing it to crowd below. General view of Brandenburger Tor and men running about on top. Wounded Berlin youth after being shot. Youth being led away. FUNERAL OF DR BENES IN PRAGUE Prague, Czechoslovakia. Building with flag flying at half mast. Crowd lining sidewalk, pan to building. High angle shot of the crowds passing bier. Close up shot of the people filing past bier, many crying. Close up shot of Dr Edouard Benes, lying in state. Woman laying flowers. Flags dipping. High angle shot of funeral procession going through street
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