Naval Pilot Killed (1958)

Full title reads: “Portsmouth. Naval Pilot Killed“. Solent, Hampshire. GV Elevated shot of Royal Navy ratings and officers formed up on deck of aircraft carrier HMS Victorious. SV Officers looking out to sea, waiting for the first of the Scimitars fighter bombers to arrive. GV Flight deck of the Victorious and a cloud of smoke comes from one of the Victorious’ guns. CU Officers looking out for the first of the aircraft. LV Scimitar plane piloted by Commander John Desmond Russell coming in to land, it touches down, hooks onto the arrester wires, goes past camera which pans with it. Wire breaks and plane rolls along deck. SV Aircraft in sea with waves lapping over the cockpit in which is Commander Russell. LV Helicopter flying over the aircraft with man who has been lowered on line to try and rescue Commander Russell, but the waves are still lapping over the closed cockpit, GV Helicopter with man still on line flying away from the spot where aircraft has sunk. GV Victorious, helicopter flying over it. (L
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