All Eyes On Singapore (1941)

Item title reads - All eyes on Singapore. Various shots of a map showing the Singapore area and the surrounding countries. Various shots in Singapore showing the busy port with cargo ship arriving and being unloaded. Some contain lorries, and others crated Buffalo fighter planes, part of Roosevelt’s Lease and Lend Pact. Various shots as the American ships are loaded with rubber and tin before leaving. Various shots of Chinese women at work in primitive tin mine in Malaya. Various shots of long lines of British army lorries and guns on a parade square in Singapore to show the British might, they set off. Various shots of part of the heavy Malayan jungle, Australian troops hack their way through. Various shots showing the little known natives called Sakais, they show their skill on the blow pipe. An officer gives them some salt and they taste it and laugh. Various shots of Imperial troops in training, they wade through a river. Chinese Generals stand around a table in the jungle with the allied tro
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