News From Germany (1958)

Full title reads: “News From Germany“. CU New powder fire extinguisher being showered onto a burning set piece during the demonstration. LV Two men approaching a small burning set piece and showering the powder on to it and extinguishing the flames. GV Roaring flames on a piece of waste ground, the size of an Australian bush fire. LV Smoke billowing up from the burning area. SV Driver jumping out of fire tender. CU He opens side of tender and takes out hose pipe. CU Man pushing lever on tender control panel to start the jet of powder. CU Man with hose fighting to hold it steady as the powder is showered from it. LV Two men extinguishing the bush type of fire. LV More fire on the ground with cameraman in the foreground. GV Fire burning fiercely. SV Men extinguishing it. CU. People in crowd. GV Freight car filled with petrol being fused and flames enveloping it. SV Two men showering powder on the burning freight car. GV Freight car covered with the powder but with the fire now out. (Orig G) Oberstorf. GV
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