Their Majesties In Cornwall (1950)

Full title reads: “Their Majesties In Cornwall“. Cornwall. LV King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) talking to tenants on the Duchy of Cornwall Estate, Wadebridge SV Queen with Princess Margaret talking to tenants. SV King standing with farm officials. MV Cows. Back view King, Queen and officials looking across countryside. Angle shot pan Restomel Castle. SV Queen with Princess Margaret and King behind looking down into well. GV Agricultural Show at Callington. SV. King and Queen walking towards with officials, followed by Princess Margaret with Sir John Carew Pole, President of the Agricultural show. GV Display of Prize Bulls. SV King with officials looking at bull. CU Bull. SV King laughing with officials looking at bull. CU Bull. MV Queen and Princess Margaret walking towards camera. VS of Queen and Margaret talking to women and children. SV King with officials watching farmer at work on agricultural machine. SV The new Globe Harvester machine. SV New type of elevator wor
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