Well Done Princess (1958)

Full title reads: “British Honduras. Well Done Princess“. Princess Margaret ends her tour in British Honduras. GV Elevated shot, looking down on citizens procession as they march past Government House in Belize. LV Band leading the procession and being lead by Bandmaster who is marching in a very peculiar way. LV Princess Margaret seated on dais watching procession. LV Women marching in procession carrying banner which reads “Mesopotamia Citizens ASSN.“ CU Pan shot. Elderly woman marching and looking very happy. SV Band leading procession coming towards camera. CU Two little girls drinking from same bottle. GV “Hosse“ Dance being performed in roadway in front of Princess. SV Man and woman dancing in front of dais. SV Two men dancing. SV Princess Margaret applauding. GV Carib traditional dance being performed. LV Dance coming to an end. GV Government House lit at night. SV Princess Margaret at bottom of stairs with Governor Sir Colin Thornley and Lady Thornley. FILM
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