Labour Stages Election Year Conference (1949)

Full title reads: “Blackpool - Labour Stages Election Year Conference“. Blackpool, Lancashire. Herbert Morrison and Ernest Bevin speak. LV Blackpool. LV hall. MV Delegates take seats. LV Herbert Morrison rising to speak. MV Delegates applaud. SV Clement Attlee smoking pipe. MV Morrison speaking. MV Delegates. SV Emanuel (Manny) Shinwell and Sam Watson looking on. MV Morrison speaking: ’I freely agree with my colleagues in the Party that there remains plenty of room for improvement. We have only just taken them over. They have to be developed and in my judgement there will be room for criticism of socialised industries for quite a number of years to come. It’ll be a marvel if they’re not always open to criticism of one sort or another. Unless the economic foundations are healthy, unless production is virile and adequate in amount then all the rest of the programme is bound to be in a state of risk of some sort, and I want nobody to have the illusion, either in the conference or outside. I want nobody to
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