Harry Truman Works The Miracle (1948)

Full title reads: “HARRY TRUMAN WORKS THE MIRACLE“. New York. General view of crowd waving American flags and holding Dewey banners. Presidential candidate Dewey waving to the crowds. General view of polling booth, people queuing to vote. President Harry Truman voting in booth. Close up shot of a ballot box. President Truman posting ballot form. Dewey leaving polling booth after voting. General view of Time Square at night. Electric tape machine showing voting results between illuminations - Truman has won. Long shot of deserted Republican headquarters - empty chairs everywhere. Three newsreel men asleep. Long shot of crowded Democrats headquarters - ’Election Returns’ banner over huge board with results. State names on election result board, pan to Illinois result showing Truman’s victory. Dewey poster dropping. Excited Democrat crowd celebrating. Close up shot of Truman being congratulated. Truman leaving headquarters. He is surrounded by admirers. Close up shot of Truman waving
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