The Mystery Of The Air - Air Currents And How They Behave (1931)

“With an introduction by Clarence Chamberlain, the Transatlantic Flier.“ M/S of Clarence Chamberlain (he sounds like an American). He explains how the Head of the Aeronautical Institute of Japan has been performing experiments to show how air currents behave. (Not sure of the name quoted). He has taken actual photographs of air currents. Mr Chamberlain explains how this has been achieved by means of a diagram. Strange wiggly lines cross the screen, various experiments are shown. It is quite impressive. Different obstacles are placed in the path of an air current, the disruption they produce is recorded. Mr Chamberlain poses the question “What keeps an aeroplane up in the air? You have all asked this question at one time or another.“ Miniature aeroplane wings are placed in the experiment chamber to show how a vacuum is created. Clarence Chamberlain explains how the air current and vacuum combine to keep the plane up in the air. Note: the end of the soundtrack is missing. Clarence’s explanation i
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