MP’s Of The World (1957)

London. Houses of Parliament. LV. Crowds standing in front of flag posts in Parliament square. Two Lagos representatives waiting outside. SCU. Iraq representatives waiting outside. Interior shot, the Queen Elizabeth II appears, she walks into Westminster Hall followed by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Trumpeters playing the fanfare. The Queen and Duke descending staircase watched by crowds in the hall. The Queen and Duke make their way towards their two seats. Statue of Unicorn (Fanfare ends here). The Queen standing up at microphone about to speak, the Duke seated to her left. The Queen begins her speech (natural sound): “It gives me great pleasure to be able to attend the opening of the 46th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and I extend a warm welcome to the representatives of National Parliaments from all over the world. The Parliament at Westminster has seen many changes and survived many crisis. It has adapted itself to the conditions of each succeeding age without loss of vitality
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