Selected Originals - De Gaulle In Algeria Aka Alger Accueille De Gaulle (1958)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Algeria Hails De Gaulle“ 58/46. Mute material used in newsreel story - lots of extra shots. French titles reads: “Edition Speciale - Alger Accueille De Gaulle“. Algiers, Algeria. GV Aircraft taxiing on airfield in Algiers. SV Crowds waving and cheering. CU General de Gaulle coming down steps of aircraft and saluting. CU General Charles de Gaulle shaking hands with Jacques Soustelle and then moving to shake hands with French officer. CU General de Gaulle. CU General walking along line of officers and shaking their hands. GV Air shot, traffic in Algerian street. SV Crowds waving flags and cheering on side of street. GV General de Gaulle’s car escorted by Motor cycles. SV Crowds waving and cheering. GV Crowds rushing into street. SV General de Gaulle in open car. GV General de Gaulle’s car with motor cycle escort. CU General de Gaulle seated in car. CU Crowds. SV General’s car arriving outside Government House, car goes out o
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