Canada Busts Ore Output (1948)

Full title reads: “CANADA BUSTS ORE OUTPUT“. Port Arthur, Canada. Ore cars moving from left to right towards camera, coming in Port Arthur. Ore cars on dock. Men banging on cars to loosen ore. Top of ore car drops down into leading packet. Men open gates, camera tilts as ore starts to run down chute. Tilt down rocks of Steep Rock mine (400 feet below the level of a drained out lake) to steam shovels. Steam shovels at work. Close up shot of Shovel swinging across frame. Close up shot of truck driver waving, he drives off. Truck coming up the hill. Truck moves past road sign. Pump outlet pipe, water flowing out. Long shot of dam constructed to enable the workers to reach the bottom of the lake where the ore is found. The two men on bank looking to a map showing Steep Rock Lake and place where river was diverted to new course. Close up shot of a finger pointing out map. Diversion channel cut out of solid rock by diamond drill. Spillway, Clearwater Lake. The new water course down valley seve
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