’amethyst’ Gets A Heroes Welcome (1949)

Full title reads: “’Amethyst’ Gets A Heroes Welcome“. Gibraltar. GV Rock of Gibraltar from the sea. ( for super title.). Nearer shot of rock of Gibraltar. LV Frigate ’HMS Amethyst’ steaming into harbour. SV From ship past cheering crowds from quayside. LV ’Amethyst’ approaching quayside. LV Three RAF (Royal Air Force) bombers overhead flying in salute. SV ’Amethyst’ nearing quayside. CU Lieutenant Commander Kerens DSO watching from bridge. GV Band playing on quayside. SV Local people getting excited watching. LV ’Amethyst’ being tied up at quayside & SV. SV Local inhabitants watching. SV Vice Admiral PWB Brooking, Flag Officer Gib., stepping onto deck of ’Amethyst’ and shaking hands with Kerens. GV ’Amethyst’ alongside quay with crowds . CU Local people getting excited. SV Crew and officers marching through main street in Gibraltar. SV Crew marching past camera. GV Elevated ’Amethyst’ crew marching down main street of Gibraltar. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ.
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