The Message Of The Crosses (1950)

The message of the crosses. Westminster Abbey, London. LV Remembrance Field - Service in progress. CU Large wreath - The Empire of Remembrance. SV Two men planting United National Crest and Argyll & Middlesex Crest Crosses. SV Middlesex Regimental Crest - pan to United Nations Crest. CU Old Veteran type with medals. SV Crosses with Gunners Crest in centre. LV Queen (later the Queen Mother) arriving at Field of Remembrance. SV Queen holding Umbrella - pan down to Sir Brunel Cohen - V.C. . in bathchair. CU Queen smiling holding umbrella. SV Pan Queen walking along looking at crosses. CU Cross with wording “Those who have fallen in Korea“. SV Pan down Queen planting crosses. CU Cross Major Howsan. SV Queen and others looking at crosses. CU Commandos Cross. SV Pan Queen holding umbrella walking along looking at crosses. STV Mass of planted crosses. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS,
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