It’s Swiss Fortnight (1959)

Title reads: “It’s Swiss Fortnight“. London. Various shots two girls outside Park Lane House in Swiss national costume, they pin edelweiss to passer-by’s lapels. Interior of Park Lane House: people looking at Swiss watches on show. C/U watches in glass case. C/U diamond encrusted watch. C/U people looking at tray of watches. Various extreme C/Us of watches on a tray, a woman’s fingers points at them. Amongst them are the smallest watch in the world, identical his and her watches and a watch built into a Victoria imitation £5 piece. M/S archery expert August Hollenstein showing group of Chelsea Pensioners a Swiss crossbow. Panning C/U pensioners. C/U Mr. Hollenstein loading the crossbow. Back view as Hollenstein fires the bow. C/U target as arrow hits it. Interior of ward at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital: the Swiss Ambassador hands out chocolate to the sick children. C/U small boy being given chocolate. C/U Peter von Bergen aged 10 in Swiss costume and Doris Schaffeur hand
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