Premier Back In Triumph (1959)

Titles read: “PREMIER BACK IN TRIUMPH“. London. Various shots of Prime Minister Harold Macmillan arriving back in London after his trip to Moscow. He steps from the plane and waves to the crowds as he walks across to a building with the Chancellor Rab Butler. Inside he sits before microphones and makes a statement to the press (natural sound). He says the most important object of their journey was to talk directly to Kruschev and the other Soviet leaders about the grave situation which may develop in Europe. He says the talks were frank and that both sides should have a better understanding of the other’s point of view. Although they didn’t agree about many important issues, they agreed that problems of the future in central Europe should be settled by negotiation and not force. He talks of there being difficulties ahead and that we in Britain should try to give a lead to find the way through. Alternative spellings - Khrushchev, Krushchev, Khruschev. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH
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