The Savoy Swindon (1950)

The Savoy Swindon. Wiltshire. M/S of train pulling up in station. SV Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) steps from train and she walks across to shake hands with Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire who fumbles with glove. SV shot crowds lining road (extra shots). Various shots of the Queen with mayor greeting ex-servicemen at the Garden of Remembrance which she opens. GV travel shot procession of car going through Swindon streets. CU pan Girl Guides at Moreden playing fields. SV Princess inspecting Guides. SV Welcome sign outside Swindon works. SV Works girls waiting for Princess. Shots of the Princess arriving at steel works. Several shots of the workers watching. CU Pan Princess accompanied by Chief Regional Officer Mr . Grand walking into works. SV Man pouring molten metal into casting of Princess’ name. Pan up to Princess. CU Princess. CU Completed casting. LV Princess walking behind engineers on test bench - pan to engine on test bed. CU Engine piston rod working. CU Princess. LV Men loo
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