Selected Originals - Royal Family & Auriols At Covent Garden (1950)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story ’London Says: Vive Le President’ - 50/21 Material for newsreel story - extra shots. Covent Garden Opera House, London. VS of dignitaries waiting for arrival of Royals and French President Vincent Auriol. Including: RA (Rab) Butler, Clement Attlee, Winston Churchill. MS King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) and Robert Schumann walking across foyer. MS The King and Queen chatting to Sir John Anderson in foyer. MS. The King chatting to Sir John Anderson. The Queen chatting to another man. Pan to Princess Elizabeth watching. Princess Elizabeth turns round and chats the the Duchess of Kent. Duchess of Gloucester seen in foreground. MS. The Queen waving as she and the King prepare to leave foyer. VS as Royals move through the foyer. VS of guests moving in foyer. VS The Auriols, King and Queen and Princess Elizabeth standing in Royal Box as the Marseillaise is played. MS Princess Elizabeth, M. Auriol pan to Q
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