Selected Originals - Eisenhower Sees Defence Chiefs (1951)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Eisenhower Sees Defence Chiefs“ - 51/6. London. MS. Ministry of Defence building. CU. Nameplate - Ministry of Defence. MS. & LS. Ministry of Defence building. CU. Five star plate on bumper of General Eisenhower’s car. CU. Pennant on General Eisenhower’s car. MS. Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery and General Dwight Eisenhower. MS. Monty putting on overcoat while talking to Ike. MS. Two sound cameras and operators. SCU. Pathe Cameraman Jordan and sound camera. GV. Audience of press representatives. MS. Two press representatives listening to speech. CU. Press representative taking notes. Pan down from head to notebook. MS. General Eisenhower speaking (no sound, lip movement only): ’Now I realise’ (and speaks to men sitting on either side of him) ’ long have I been talking’ (answer ’ten minutes’). ’You know old soldiers are likely to be garrulous and you people have to watch me a bit. I believe that there is little use in my pr
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