West Tests Defences (1950)

West tests defences. Germany. M/Ss of American troops marching alongside road. Various shots of tanks driving out of field and across bridge. M/S of the politician John Strachey talking to a group of British soldiers. M/S of General de Tassigny and General Keightley walking towards group of people. C/U Strachey talking to man. C/U General Mark Clark talking to US sergeant. M/S of pilots studying tail plane of Vampire. C/U of two pilots. L/S of train loaded with tanks moving along. L/S of Vampire diving to attack, pan down to bombs exploding. L/S of Vampire flying overhead. Shots of bombs exploding near train. M/Ss of dummy tanks on train. M/S of party of troops walking along side of train. Pan to lorry speeding down road. C/U of overturned lorry. M/S of tank trying to tow another tank from ditch. M/S of tank moving along road and knocking down fence as it does so. Various similar shots. M/S of group of ducks crossing road. M/S towards soldier carrying mortar running along road. M/S towards wedding party
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