Father Christmas Trailer (1944)

Item title reads - Ministry of Information Government Official. Father Christmas trailer. Cartoon of Father Christmas’s house, shaped like a giant post box, at the North Pole, Rudolph stands outside with the sleigh waiting for him. Father Christmas paces around his house in a bad mood. The calendar shows it is December 16th, the days go by until the 20th and he is still pacing. It gets to December 24th, he stands there tapping his foot then bursts into tears. Thousands of letter and parcels fall through the letter box and pile up until he is sat on the top. He sets off with his sleigh weighed down by a giant sack. A little bird adds another small parcel to it and they fall out of the sky and lands in a snowdrift. Father Christmas pokes his head out to say “if only people would post earlier, remember post before December 18 if you can!“. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOV
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