Us Farmers In Scotland (1950)

Nr. Edinburgh, Scotland. Several landscape shots of Scottish countryside. Long shot of a farm. MS. Group of American students watching cows feeding out of trough. Dissolve to people entering barn. General view of Scottish folk dance. Group in foreground dancing round girl in centre. Americans watching. Same dance, back to original shot. CU. American girls watching. People dancing. Americans watching in foreground in brightly coloured jumper. Closer shot of the dance - couples waltzing round each other. Audience applauding at the end of first dance. MS. Dancer in traditional dress dancing over swords - Sword Dance. Crowd watching. CU. Feet dancing round and over swords. Pan up from swords to medium CU. Dancer. MS. As tempo of music quickens, dancer gets faster and finally finishes dance. He bows, audience applauds and he picks up swords and walks towards camera with the piper. General view of start of Eightsome Reel. MS. Dancers circling round one another CU. Feet dancing. MS. Girl in centre dancing, rest
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