Cold Comfort Version 1 (1946)

Title reads: “Cold Comfort“. Wimbledon Common, London. Various shots of children ice skating on frozen pond. M/S of young man scrambling out of hole in the ice. More shots of skater, one little boy in shorts falls over. Austrian Alps, Austria. Various shots of British Army and RAF (Royal Air Force) men on skis. Good shots of skiing contest; Army and RAF v. Austrian champions and amateurs. Sweden. M/S of men breaking hole in the ice of frozen lake. Various shots of men in swimsuits running out of sauna to roll in the snow. Various L/Ss of naked women running out of sauna. They plunge into the lake before running back to sauna. Note: very unusual to see naked women in newsreel, especially full frontal views!! Note: poor quality of film - this version is from badly damaged neg. See separate record for version 2. Version 2 is identical except transferred from combined print - much better quality. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH
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