Selected Original - Uno Meeting (1950)

Selected Originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out takes, rushes) for story “Attlee to see Truman“ - 50/97. Similar to newsreel story. UNO meeting, Lake Success in the United States of America. Warren Austin (US delegate) speaking (natural sound) ’Last week, the Forces of the United Nations opened a general attack designs to finish their Korean task of repressing and restoring international peace and security in the area. This attack has been repulsed in circumstances which make it clear that Chinese Communist armed forces totalling more than 200,000 men are now engaged in North Korea. It also appears clear beyond any doubt that what all the free world hoped for was an intervention for limited purposes is, in fact, aggression, open and notorious. You will recall that yesterday I mentioned that word ’aggression.’ and withdraw it and said I will not now use that word. I will use only ’intervention’ until the facts come to our knowledge which justify the use of that word. And I employ it here in this counci
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