Pathe Pictorial Looks... East - West (1947)

Titles read: “PATHE PICTORIAL LOOKS... EAST - WEST“. Various shots contrast life in the east end and west end of London. Several shots of tenement flats, shabby houses and bombed areas in the east end of London. Contrasted with modern blocks of flats and large hotels in Park Lane; Marble Arch. Several very good shots of people shopping in an east end market. This is contrasted with a fashion show in the west end where rows of women watch the models parading about (good pre-New Look fashions). Group of small children play cricket on an east end bomb site. In a west end park a girl feeds ducks on a lake; two well-dressed children play on the grass and a young boy rides about the lake in a tiny motor boat. Commentator asks if play is “rather lonely this way“. Several shots of dogs and owners in east end streets and looking out of windows. An old man takes a dog with a bad front paw to the Animal Hospital (Our Dumb Friends League) and waits with other pet owners to be seen by the vet. Nice shot
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