More News From The Middle East (1941)

Title reads: “More news from the Middle East“. Various locations in the Middle East. Various shots of German prisoners being herded into a compound in the desert. Various shots inside the compound, we see the POWs lining up for food. The prisoners were captured at Sollum (aka Salum, Egypt). Various shots of an abandoned Italian hospital tent being blown about in a sand storm. Various shots of clouds of black smoke coming from burning barrels of tar in desert. Various C/Us of King Peter of Yugoslavia with General Simovitch inspecting soldiers of Transjordan Frontier Force. Inspection takes place at RAF aerodrome in Transjordan (aka Jordan). Various shots of a Free French encampment in Syria. We see Free French soldiers marching. C/U of 3 French soldiers with beards. Various shots of soldiers checking tanks. C/Us of three Senegalese soldiers. C/U of Captain John Roosevelt, son of President, at British GHQ in Cairo, Egypt. He is accompanied by Major Thomas. Captain Roosevelt give
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