Laser Photo Trigger - Multicolored Coronet

This tutorial is a variation of our previous one - “Milk Drop”. The great difference is that now we are using a laser photo trigger instead of Triggertrap motion sensor. By the way, the laser sensor is much more precise and easier to handle. It costs a little more, but it’s worth it. Hands-on… For this shot, you need some fairly basic equipment and some fundamental knowledge of photography. First of all, you must improvise a consistent way to repeat the action precisely so the drop will fall always in the same place. You don’t really need a complicated device, as we did. Just hang a plastic bag with a tiny hole to allow the drops to fall regularly in the exact same place and it will do the job. In our case, since we do a lot of tests with drops, we built such a gadget, in order to have a comfortable setting at any time we do testing. You will also need a speed flash, set in manual mode, at reduced power, 1/32s, in order to shorten the flash duration – so you will be able to freeze all details. The camera
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