Train from Zakopane to Krakow / One of the most beautiful routes in Poland

Traveling around Poland by train is a great way to discover the treasures nestled from the sea to the Tatra Mountains. Each railway route offers something unique – beautiful, breathtaking views, and some real tourist adventures! On this trip I will drive from Zakopane to Krakow. What you will see from the windows of the wagon is simply breathtaking; beautiful views of the whole Tatra Mountains panorama: lush vegetation, charming valleys and tumbling mountain streams. ZAKOPANE 11-44 KRAKOW GL 14-27 TRAIN NO 35104 WAGON 17 PLACE 86 BY THE WINDOW CLASS SECOND / PRICE 28,70 PLN DATE OF TRAVEL 00:00 Zakopane railway station 03:27 Travel by train Zakopane - Krakow 06:08 Lake Mucharskie 09:01 Krakow city 10:47 Krakow Central Railway Station
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