PostgreSQL Tutorial for Beginners 19 - PostgreSQL ALTER TABLE

In this post we will learn How to use PostgreSQL ALTER TABLE Statement in PostgreSQL. psql is the standard PostgreSQL application to work with databases Common psql Meta-commands: \a: toggle output format (aligned/unaligned) \c name: connect to a database name \copy table: copy a table to/from a file \d : list all tables (display) \d table: show information about a table \e: edit the query buffer \g: execute the query buffer (go) \h command: display help on command \i name: read name into query buffer (input) List all databases: # \l Create a new database: # CREATE DATABASE MYDB; Use a database: # \connect MYDB; Run database schema: # \i ; List tables and sequences in your current db: # \d Delete database: # DROP DATABASE MYDB Quit the cli: # \q  a distribution-independent P ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #PostgreSQL_CREATE_TABLE #Learning #PostgreSQL #Programming #Database #Clauses #Commands #Functions #Administration 20191218 EefD7qxiIZQ
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