How to Reset Root Password On Ubuntu / LTS

1 Reboot your computer. 2 Hold Shift during boot to start GRUB menu. 3 Select advanced options for ubuntu 4 Select the option with recovery mode 5 Select root and press enter 6 Give command - mount -n -o remount,rw / 7 Press Enter 8 Give command - passwd your_username 9 Give new password 10 reboot ★★★Top Online Courses From ProgrammingKnowledge ★★★ Python Programming Course ➡️ ⚫️ Java Programming Course ➡️ ⚫️ Bash Shell Scripting Course ➡️ ⚫️ Linux Command Line Tutorials ➡️ ⚫️ C Programming Course ➡️ ⚫️ C Programming Course ➡️ ⚫️ ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #Ubuntu_(Operating_System) #Software_(Industry) #Password #Root_Password #linux_root_password #reset_root_password #Reset_Password # # 20151124 m3rbpR9uuHA
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