PostgreSQL Tutorial for Beginners 6 - PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE
In this post we will learn How to Create a CREATE TABLE in PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL Create Database). psql is the standard PostgreSQL application to work with databases
Common psql Meta-commands:
\a: toggle output format (aligned/unaligned)
\c name: connect to a database name
\copy table: copy a table to/from a file
\d : list all tables (display)
\d table: show information about a table
\e: edit the query buffer
\g: execute the query buffer (go)
\h command: display help on command
\i name: read name into query buffer (input)
List all databases:
# \l
Create a new database:
Use a database:
# \connect MYDB;
Run database schema:
# \i ;
List tables and sequences in your current db:
# \d
Delete database:
Quit the cli:
# \q
a distribution ...
#ProgrammingKnowledge #PostgreSQL_CREATE_TABLE #Learning #PostgreSQL #Programming #Database #Clauses #Commands #Functions #Administration
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