Linear Search Algorithm - Data Structures

Linear Search means to sequentially traverse a given list or array and check if an element is present in the respective array or list. The idea is to start traversing the array and compare elements of the array one by one starting from the first element with the given element until a match is found or end of the array is reached. Algorithms: 1) Start from the leftmost element of arr[] and one by one compare X with each element of arr[]. 2) If X matches with an element, return the index. 3) If X doesn’t match with any of elements and end of the array is reached, return -1. In this video, you’ll also learn about asymptotic notations, they are basically mathematical notations which represent order of growth of any mathematical function. There are three famous notations which you’ll see in ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #Data_Structures_And_Algorithms #Data_Structures #algorithm #Algorithms #Algorithms_Tutorial #Data_Structures_Tutorial #Stacks_and_Queues #Basic_Algebra #Advanced_Algorithms 20221012 L1EBR91PuNA
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