“Something Drastic Has To Happen“ Roger Hallam | BBC HardTalk | Extinction Rebellion

Трудный разговор, но неизбежный. Как объяснить инертной части общества, что люди, требующие радикальных и быстрых перемен для предотвращения коллапса цивилизации в наихудшем варианте, — не экстремисты. Экстремисты — это те, кто под разными предлогами пытаются сохранить привычный образ жизни и business as usual как можно дольше? --- Roger Hallam talks with Stephen Sackur from BBC HardTalk about the need to ACT NOW. If you believe we need to do something about the climate crisis join us in October for the international Rebellion. In October 2018, we declared The Rebellion. In April 2019, we declared The Emergency. In October 2019, we will declare The Truth. Starting on Monday 7 October, we are joining together as global family in an International Rebellion as we grieve the suffering and destruction of our beautiful homeworld. We will gather with our communities across cities, countries, and continents, to rise up and rebel for our deep love of life and the need to prote
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